Friday, 30 January 2015


20min Partner WOD

Rep scheme is ascending ladder (1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6...)

Deadlift (135/95)
DB Push Press

Only one partner working at a time, split the work however you like

Thursday, 29 January 2015


Tabata Fight Gone Bad

Push Press
Row for calories

20 secs of work, 10 secs rest, complete 8 rounds of one movement before moving to the next

1min transition between movements

Score per movement is lowest rep count in 20 sec

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Tuesday, 27 January 2015


For time:

40 Wallballs
40 DU's
30 BJs
30 T2B
20 Pull-ups
20 Bar facing burpees
20 Cleans 65/95
20 Shoulder to overhead 65/95
20 snatches 65/95
10 ring dips

Monday, 26 January 2015


20min AMRAP

15 DB walking lunges
10 push press
15 sit-ups
10 KB swings
100m run

Friday, 23 January 2015

Zone Diet Challenge

As coaches we are challenging everyone to a 6 week Zone Diet challenge!!

All those up for the challenge here is the link to the zone diet. Open link and then download PDF article on right hand side. Please print off and read thru.

Beginning the week of Jan. 26th we will start talking about it in class and will also take measurements of all participating, as inches speak better than the scale. If you want before and after pics we can do that as well. This challenge will begin Feb.1 and will kick off by you completing a 7min amrap of burpees at home:)
Please set up a target 6 inches above your head to jump and touch at the top of every burpee. Record the number of burpees completed in the 7 minutes.

The challenge will be based on a point based system for every day, then be totaled at the end of the week. Points  will include,  how well you follow the plan, if you attended a class at Bad Apples that day or perhaps did some other activity on your own, sleep, water consumed, and mobility. At the end of the 6 weeks all points will be tallied and their will be a prize for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place! 1st place will receive unlimited classes for a session along with a bag of recovery. 2nd place a lulu gift card. 3rd place will be socks and skipping rope.

Coaches will have copies of the point sheets to give to you next week when we do measurements.

Rules are as follows:

Keep track of diet by journaling.

Water: in order to receive that point for water in one day you need to consume half your body weight in ounces plus an extra 24 ounces per hour of training.

Sleep: at least 8 hours a night for that point to count, less than that is deducting a point( see the points spread sheet) You might ask,  why is sleep so important? Sleep is another important key to fitness. Studies have shown that athletes who consistently get more than 8 hours of sleep per night show marked improvement in strength, speed, and agility and muscle memory. Not enough sleep can have a negative affect on all those. People who don't sleep enough are often more irritable as well, and a irritable athlete is not a positive athlete.

No alcohol.

Mobility is another important role in fitness. Optimal mobility is the foundation to better movement patterns, and when you move better your body rewards you with stronger, fitter, and faster.
 Here is a great link to Kelly Starrett's mobility wod.

One more part of fitness we will recommend (not a part of the points system) but is very important, is taking fish oil and the right amount of it.
Read the following:

Last but not least there is a "pay it forward" bonus point. Max 1 point per week. This is to be noted if you show camaraderie,  support, help, friendliness to a newbie in the class,  whatever you might think is your deed of kindness for that week. 


4 rounds for time:

12 ring dips
22 K2E
32 DUs

Thursday, 22 January 2015


15min AMRAP

12 push press
12 wall throw sit-ups with wallball
12 front squats

Wednesday, 21 January 2015


10min AMRAP

10 wallballs
25 DUs

It's that time of year again!

What is The Open?

The Open is the first step of the Crossfit Games season, a journey that culminates in crowning The Fittest Man and The Fittest Woman alive. The Open is a worldwide, inclusive, 5 week competition that kicks off February 26th. Top athletes from the different regions will advance to Regionals as individuals and teams. Anyone can sign up and the cost is minimal.  Each week for 5 weeks, a workout will be posted on Thursday night, and you have 4 days to complete the workout in front of an official judge at your box, and post your score online.

What to expect?

Anyone in Friday classes will have a chance to complete the workout, and we will do our best to have a judge available to score you. We will also make the gym and judges available on Saturday mornings, so that everyone has a chance to participate. In years past, typically anyone in The Open has been expected to perform certain movements (double unders, chest to bar pull-ups, toes to bar, etc.). to be able to post their score. Crossfit has added a scaled option this year, so you will have a modified workout option if needed. Just know that 1 rep as required is worth more on the leaderboard than the best scaled score. There are Masters divisions, and also new this year is a Teen division. For more info, go to .

Expect to be terrified every Thursday leading up to the workout announcement. Expect to have a blast. Expect to truly understand what it means to be a part of the Crossfit community. Expect to push your limits and learn new things about yourself.

Is the Open for me?

The Open is a neat opportunity, among other things. Because we are an affiliate now, this is the first time we’ll be able to participate in The Open as a gym. It’s a good fit for anyone who’s been thinking about trying their first competition, as you can do it in your home gym surrounded by the people you normally workout with (so it’s not completely out of your comfort zone). We are looking for judges if you want to be a part of it but not sure if you want to register as an athlete. The more the merrier guys!

For any questions/concerns, or if you’re interested in judging, please talk to any one of us on the coaching staff.

Let the Games begin! And may the odds ever be in your favour!

Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Row 500m

Three rounds for time of
21 bar facing burpees
15 T2B
9 deadlifts
150m run

Row 500m

Monday, 19 January 2015


Partner "Nancy"
5 rounds
400m run/row
30 overhead squat 95/65
*partners will alternate squats while the other person holds their bar overhead

Friday, 16 January 2015


20 minute AMRAP

8 strict pull-ups
8 box jumps (36"/30")
12 KB swings (2pd/1.5pd)

Thursday, 15 January 2015


Hang power snatch (45/35)
Burpee tuck jumps over bar

Wednesday, 14 January 2015


Sumo deadlift high pull (75/55)
Front rack lunges with same bar
Push ups

Tuesday, 13 January 2015


20 minute AMRAP:
24 squats
16 knees to elbows
8 power cleans

Monday, 12 January 2015


3 round "Fight Gone Bad" style:
tire flips
wall balls
box jumps
farmer carry shuttles